Best typing software: Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor

Latest Version: Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor 4.7 II Brought to you by Runtime Revolution.

What do you do in Internet? Blog, chat with friends, e-mail customers or clients, post in social sites and have a personal or business website? In most cases, you have to write. If you know the perfect use of your keyboard or its shortcuts, the task simply gets easier. My teacher said, “To know something perfectly is a brave thing”. When you raise the storm in your keyboard, people just stare at you, praise you for your amazing skill and finally expect themselves to be someone like you. You can’t claim yourself as a tech-savvy or geek without knowing  typing perfectly. Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor helps you go a long way for that purpose & hone your typing skill swimmingly.


If you talk about real touch typing, it is obviously Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor. Number #1 touch typing software that helps you or your children increase your typing skill in great extent. If you run an institution or company, you had better choose Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor. It is worth purchasing and suitable for company or business institution for training customers or clients. It is time-saving too! Because Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor helps you learn and then type keys efficiently and speedily. If you keep typing with Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor, you learn touch typing subconsciously. Intechmania welcomes you all and introduce the number #1 touch typing software to you. Download free trial for 10 days!

Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor 4.7


  1. Multi-language supports and it works with Windows, Mac OS X, Mac Classic and Linux.

  2. Export or import students.

  3. Provide printable certificate.

  4. Real time report.

  5. Extra practice session.

  6. Two spectacular games: Safari Park & Brick Factory!

  7. Various options to customize as you like.

  8. Help and supports

  9. Easy user interface etc.

  10. Listen to great music by iTunes Songseeker!

Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor 4.7_2

Buy Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor or Upgrade!

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